THE HARLEY WORKS - WE RULE!!!ated  March 14 2
Diary of a Doll

20Diary of a Doll20

April 5, 2007    

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Teresa:  Thanks DollaD.  See you later.
Stacia:  Be blessed D.  (whispers)  Girl, you'd better keep two hands on that
wheel.  Are you sure you can drive this thing?
Teresa:  Girl, please.  I've probably been driving longer than you've been working.
After all I do fly a jet.

Stacia: I guess.  What is this thing anyway?  And, what's with Babs being written
all over it in pink?  And these colors....  Yikes.
 You know?  It really doesn't matter.  If you are looking for the Diva
Coach, it left yesterday.  So, you're stuck with us.  Now, let's have a peaceful ride.  
Buckle up.  And don't you have something to write?
Stacia:  Oh no you didn't?

Teresa:  Oh yes I did and will again if need be.
Ladies in rear:  Buwahahahah!!!!!

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